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  1. Will the price you charge vary? If so, how?
  2. What are the terms and length of the contract?
  3. Are there any penalties or exit fees if I cancel my contract?
  4. How will I be billed and by whom? How often?
  5. Do you offer any payment plans or electronic payment options?
  6. In addition to the cost of gas, what other charges will I see on my bill?
  7. If I have questions about my natural gas charges, whom do I call?
  8. Are there any special programs or incentives that are part of your package?

What pricing options are available to me?
Realgy Energy Services offers 3 standard service plans that provide Fixed, Index and Guaranteed Savings pricing. Each standard service plan can include RES's exclusive PriceWatchTM or Managed Service options.

Click here for additional information on these plans.


Will the price you charge vary? If so, how?
Depending on which Realgy Energy Services plan you select your pricing can vary. Help in choosing the right service plan is available from your Account Manager, visiting our Energy Decision Maker or by calling Michael Vrtis at 860-233-2270.

Our Service Plans pricing will vary as follows:

  • Fixed, will be set in the agreement and would not vary over the term of agreement
  • INDEX, would vary each month according to the local price of gas reported in Natural Gas Intelligence.
  • Guaranteed Savings would vary each month according to the local utilities published price of gas.


What are the terms and length of the contract?
Complete terms are contained in our clear-language agreement which can be received for our Fixed and INDEX service plans from your Account Manager or by calling Michael Vrtis at 860-233-2270. Click to download the Realgy Energy Services Guaranteed Savings complete agreement for your local utility.

Your service plan length is set by you. Realgy Energy Services offers contract terms from 1 to 24 months for Fixed and for up to 36 months for INDEX and Guaranteed Savings.


Are there any penalties or exit fees if I cancel my contract?
Realgy Energy Services allows all service plans to be terminated by providing 60 days notice. This allows us to transfer your account in an orderly manner to your new energy marketer. If less notice is requested, we charge a service fee to offset our costs for manually expediting your request.

To date, we have not had a business customer cancel without providing the 60 day notice.


How will I be billed and by whom? How often?
If you are currently billed by the utility, that will not change. Realgy Energy Service charges will appear on the bill and be properly itemized. If you are currently billed by another energy marketer then you will revert to being billed by the utility once a month.


Do you offer any payment plans or electronic payment options?
All utility payment plans and payment options are available to you and will continue for all utility payments even when Realgy Energy Services is your energy marketer. Realgy Energy Services Realgy Energy Services offers a storage savings plan. Under this plan you pay for approximately 20% of your winter gas usage during the summer. This allows your gas bills to be levelized and allows for “winter gas at summer prices”.


In addition to the cost of gas, what other charges will I see on my bill?
In addition to the selected service plan’s cost of gas, Realgy Energy Services charges a $3.50 monthly service fee. Other than these two charges there would be no other charge from Realgy Energy Services.


If I have questions about my natural gas charges, whom do I call?
Please call Realgy Energy Services. We will address your questions. If they are related to Realgy Energy Services charges we will resolve them. If they are related to the utility we will try to address them, however, resolution may require that we transfer you to the utility billing department.


Are there any special programs or incentives that are part of your package?
Yes, Realgy Energy Services offers the following programs;



We will reward you in two distinct ways:

1. You will know that Realgy is serving your clients with our unmatched commitment to service.
2. You will receive referral payments from Realgy.

Upon receipt of the signed Agreement we will almost immediately email a variety of links / banners for you to choose from and to place on your web site. The email will also include easy to follow instructions for placing the banners, links on your site with instructions for how to link them to our site.

Our Experience
Executive decisions, especially during changing times, comes from our depth of experience.

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